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Code of Conduct

CCVS, as part of the Cornwall Family of Schools, has created a Code of Conduct based on the foundation of the Character Always initiative, and has been developed to promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship, an anti-biased and anti-racist perspective and to provide the framework for policies related to student discipline, bullying prevention, student and staff safety, and respectful working and learning environments. The Code of Conduct is aligned with provincial legislation and UCDSB Policies and Procedures. The intent is to provide a positive and safe learning environment that will maximize students' academic, social, physical and emotional growth. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusive education as define below.

At CCVS, each student has a right to an education. To ensure that right and to promote a positive learning environment, the school has developed the following Code of Conduct:
• Diversity: The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religious, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.

• Equity: A condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences.

• Inclusive Education: Education that is based on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of all students. Students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their physical surroundings, and the broader environment, in which diversity is honoured and all individuals are respected.

Student's Code of Rights and Responsibilities 

I have the right to feel safe and secure at school. It is my responsibility to make sure my behaviour helps everyone at the school feel safe and secure.

I have the right to go to school in a healthy environment It is my responsibility not to bring cigarettes, matches, lighters, weapons, illegal drugs or alcohol in the school.

I have the right to learn and display my achievements. It is my responsibility to put forth my best effort in all academic areas and to be responsible for my daily work.

I have the right to be in a environment free of hazardous substances. It is my responsibility not to bring cigarettes, matches, lighters, weapons, illegal drugs or alcohol in the school.

I have the right to be treated with kindness and respect It is my responsibility to treat students, parents, teachers, volunteers, and support staff with kindness and respect. It is my responsibility to be courteous.

I have the right to attend a school where staff members and fellow students are dressed appropriately It is my responsibility to dress appropriately.

I have the right to have my personal property respected. It is my responsibility to respect other's personal property.

I have a right to attend a school that is clean, sanitary and well maintained. It is my responsibility to help keep the school clean, sanitary, and well maintained.

I have the right to express my feelings. I have the responsibility to express my feelings respectfully. I have the responsibility to listen to others express their feelings.

I have the right to be free from intimidation and harassment. It is my responsibility not to tease, intimidate, belittle, exclude, taunt, or "gang up" on people.

I have the right to uninterrupted learning. It is my responsibility to attend school regularly and to be punctual.

Student Conduct

Students are to remember that their conduct and speech reflect on the reputation of the school. This is particularly true when they come in contact with the public. Respect and courtesy are the hallmarks of a Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational student. Students are to show respect for their peers, their teachers and themselves. CCVS has a “hands off” policy, this means all students must keep their hands to themselves and not come in contact with other students. Roughhousing, bullying and fighting are not acceptable behaviour. Students involved in fighting and bullying will have the appropriate consequences imposed on them.

Grade 7 and 8 wing

Grade 9-12 students will not be permitted to access the 7 and 8 wing at any time throughout the school day unless granted permission by school staff.

Failure to Maintain the Code of Conduct

When a student fails to maintain the Code of Conduct and inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures are applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to a focus that is both corrective and supportive. This action may take several forms, determined by the nature and seriousness of the situation. The school applies early and ongoing intervention strategies to help prevent inappropriate behaviours and provide students with appropriate supports. The range of interventions supports and consequences are developmentally appropriate and provide opportunities for the student to focus on improving their behaviour. 

Updated September 2017
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